Lane A. Highbarger 8111 Carroll Ln. Silver Spring, MD 2010 USA A3000 CV64(2MB) 14MB RAM (060/PPC in near future) 3.30 The guy who tested v3.3 compatibility. 1 1 96-04-25 3 301-585-9029 1
Thomas Prohl Gartensiedlung 40 59192 Bergkamen Germany A4000/040/25, Picasso II, 14MB RAM, 850MB HD 3.30 0 0 96-05-03 5 +49-2307-86136 1
Michel Bach 2, rue Marc SEGUIN 67800 Bischheim France A4000/040/25, CV64-4MB, 18MB RAM, 540MB HD 3.11 Need to tell him that library works with 3.3 0 0 96-04-26 6 88-19-61-06 1
C. P. W. M. Joore Antwerpsestraat 69 4921 DD Made The Netherlands Amiga 4000/040 Picasso II, 18MB RAM, Vlab y/c 3 0 0 96-04-26 8 0162-685530 1
Lorenzo Lunelli Piazza S. Maria Maggiore 18 38100 Trento Italy A3000, PPS 040@25MHz, Picasso II 2MB, Kick 3.1 3.30 1 1 96-05-04 10 +39-461-231538 1
Salvatore Gerace via Paolo VI, 10 56124 - Pisa Italy A4000/040/25, 16MB RAM, 1GB HD, Kick 3.1, CDROM, CV64¶ 3.30 Cymbaî co kombinowaî z kasâ. 1 1 96-06-03 11 +39-50-598993 1
Alain Petit 3, impasse des Jacinthes 25200 Grand-Charmont France A4000, CyberStorm 060, CV64/4, CyberGfx 2.18 3.11 Suggestion about the update for newer versions of Real3D. 1 1 96-06-06 12 +33-81-95-17-78 1
David M. Ingebretsen 2681 Chadwick Street Salt Lake City, UT 84106 USA A3000 A3640 16 MB RAM CV64 2 Meg 3.3 1 1 96-06-12 13 (801) 487-2111 1
Antoni Sinius Chopina 58/10 Szczecin Poland A 4000 PPC 233/68040/40 64 Mb CVPPC 3.5 1 2 17.08.1999 46 4525425 1
Kenichi Uda 85 Imahara cho Nisigamo Kita Ku Kyoto 603-8842 Japan A4000/040 40Mzh(Warp Engine),2MBChip/32MBFast RAM,1GB HDD,¶CyberVision64 4MB,Kickstart 3.1,21"Colour monitor(iiyama MT-8521E) 3.5 Please support PPC and OpenGL or Warp3D.¶I send 12.58pound for a shareware fee by money order. 1 1 31-3-2000 47 1